Personal Computer World 2009 February
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Text (UTF-16)
1,270 lines
; file: Office2007a\default.ini
;--------- Globals -------------------------
; global edge colors (redefined in various parts)
EdgeLightColor = 241 239 226
EdgeHighLightColor = 255 255 255
EdgeShadowColor = 172 168 153
EdgeDkShadowColor = 113 111 100
EdgeFillColor = 236 233 216
;--------- system metrics -------------------------------
;The system metric colors also effect non-themed controls.
ScrollbarWidth = 17
ScrollbarHeight = 17
Window = 255 255 255
MenuBar = 236 233 216
Menu = 255 255 255
Background = 0 78 152
Btnface = 237 237 237
Highlight = 189 207 236
Appworkspace = 142 152 175
BtnText = 0 21 110
WindowText = 0 0 0
ActiveCaption = 186 186 186
CaptionText = 69 69 69
InactiveCaption = 224 224 224
InactiveCaptionText = 163 163 163
GradientActiveCaption = 224 224 224
GradientInactiveCaption = 250 250 250
HighlightText = 0 0 0
MenuHilight = 189 207 236
BtnShadow = 189 196 212
GrayText = 172 168 153
BtnHighlight = 255 255 255
DkShadow3d = 141 149 173
Light3d = 241 239 226
;---- don't remove these fonts (must specify to be localizable) ----
CaptionFont = Tahoma, 10
CaptionBarHeight = 25
SmallCaptionFont = Tahoma, 8
SMCaptionBarHeight = 17
SMCaptionBarWidth = 17
MenuFont = Tahoma, 8
StatusFont = Tahoma, 8
MsgBoxFont = Tahoma, 8
IconTitleFont = Tahoma, 8
;The FlatMenus option allows the author to turn of the 3d border on menus
FlatMenus = true
;This may allow authors to specify a theme matching stylesheet for Webviews, etc.
CssName = cpwebvw.css
;This may allow authors to specify a theme matching XML file.
XmlName = default.xml
; this theme designed for 15-bit color and higher
MinColorDepth = 15
;---------- buttons ---------------------------------
;Overall button class
;Normal button
bgtype = imagefile
SizingMargins = 8, 8, 9, 9
sizingType = Stretch
ContentMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ImageFile = Office2007a\button.bmp
imageCount = 5
ImageLayout = vertical
TextColor = 0 0 0
FillColorHint = 243 243 239; Average fill color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 0 60 116; Edge color (dark blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 250 196 88; Rollover hilite color (orange)
MinSize= 10, 5
;Makes text for button grey for the disabled state
TextColor = 161 161 146
;Color hint for default state
AccentColorHint = 157 187 235; Default state hilite color (blue)
bgtype = imagefile
sizingType = TrueSize
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
imageCount = 12
MirrorImage = false
FillColorHint = 33 161 33; Checkmark color (green)
BorderColorHint = 29 82 129; Edge color (dark blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 250 196 88; Rollover hilite color (orange)
;----- Multiple control sizes for different video adapter resolution settings ----
ImageSelectType = Dpi ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 50%
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;Checkboxes can be disabled in various states, so each of the following entries sets the text
;to grey for the corresponding states.
TextColor = 161 161 146
TextColor = 161 161 146
TextColor = 161 161 146
;Radio buttons
bgtype = imagefile
sizingType = TrueSize
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
imageCount = 8
FillColorHint = 33 161 33; Selection dot color (green)
BorderColorHint = 29 82 129; Edge color (dark blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 250 196 88; Rollover hilite color (orange)
;----- Multiple control sizes for different video adapter resolution settings ----
ImageSelectType = Dpi ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 50%
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;Radio buttons can be disabled in various states, so each of the following entries sets the text
;to grey for the corresponding states.
TextColor = 161 161 146
TextColor = 161 161 146
;The line enclosing a group of controls
TextColor = 21 74 147
bgtype = imagefile
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
sizingType = Tile
ImageFile = Office2007a\GroupBox.bmp
;BorderOnly means that the area inside the sizing margins is not drawn (so it won't
;draw on top of the controls it surrounds)
borderOnly = true
transparent = true
BorderColorHint = 127 157 185; Dark beige edge color
NormalSize = 9999, 9999 ; never source size a groupbox (from IE)
;----------- combobox --------------------------------
;Dropdown controls
; Globals for the entire control
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
; Globals when the mouse is over the control
BorderColor = 171 180 199
; Globals when the control is disabled
BorderColor = 201 199 186
FillColor = 245 244 234
;The down pointing triangle button
BgType = imagefile
imagelayout = vertical
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\ComboButton.bmp
transparent = false
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageCount = 4
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\ComboButtonGlyph.bmp
GlyphTransparent= true
FillColorHint = 200 214 251; Average fill color (light blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
;----------- edit --------------------------------
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
FillColor = 235 235 228
TextColor = 161 161 146
FillColor = 235 235 228
TextColor = 0 0 0
;----------- listbox --------------------------------
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
;--------- Scrollbar -------------------------
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 5, 5, 5, 5
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 3, 3
SizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\ScrollArrows.bmp
ImageCount = 16
ImageLayout = Vertical
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent= True
FillColorHint = 200 214 251; Average fill color (light blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
;----- the two sizes of scrollbar arrow glyphs ----
ImageSelectType = size ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = size
SourceShrink = True
TrueSizeStretchMark = 150; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 150%
UniformSizing = true; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
ImageFile1 = Office2007\ScrollArrowGlyphs.bmp
MinSize1 = 7, 7
MinSize2 = 9, 9
NormalSize = 7, 10
ImageFile = Office2007a\ResizeGrip2.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imageCount = 2
sizingType = trueSize
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
FillColorHint = 184 180 163; Gripper dot color (dark beige)
VAlign = Bottom
;A visual element in the middle of the scrollbar thumb
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = TrueSize
ImageFile = Office2007a\ScrollThumbGripperHorizontal.BMP
imagelayout = vertical
Transparent = True
ImageCount = 1
;A visual element in the middle of the scrollbar thumb
BgType = ImageFile
SizingType = TrueSize
ImageFile = Office2007a\ScrollThumbGripperVertical.BMP
ImageCount = 1
Transparent = True
ImageLayout = Vertical
;----------- spin --------------------------------
;Spin buttons for incrementing values in a field
bgtype = imagefile
sizingType = tile
ImageFile = Office2007a\FieldOutlineBlue.bmp
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 2, 2
imageCount = 1
bgtype = imagefile
sizingType = stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\SpinButtonBackgroundUp.bmp
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
imageCount = 4
ImageLayout = Vertical
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\SpinUpGlyph.bmp
GlyphTransparent= True
FillColorHint = 200 214 251; Average fill color (light blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
bgtype = imagefile
sizingType = tile
ImageFile = Office2007a\SpinButtonBackgroundDown.bmp
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
imageCount = 4
ImageLayout = Vertical
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\SpinDownGlyph.bmp
GlyphTransparent= True
FillColorHint = 200 214 251; Average fill color (light blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
bgtype = imagefile
sizingType = stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\SpinButtonBackgroundRight.bmp
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
imageCount = 4
ImageLayout = Horizontal
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\SpinRightGlyph.bmp
GlyphTransparent = True
FillColorHint = 200 214 251; Average fill color (light blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
bgtype = imagefile
sizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\SpinButtonBackgroundLeft.bmp
SizingMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
imageCount = 4
ImageLayout = Horizontal
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\SpinLeftGlyph.bmp
GlyphTransparent = True
FillColorHint = 200 214 251; Average fill color (light blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
;----------- rebar --------------------------------
;Rebar is a container for toolbars
bgtype =imagefile
sizingmargins= 0, 0, 0, 4
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarBackground.bmp
sizingmargins= 0, 0, 0, 0
Font = Tahoma, 8
TextColor = 127 124 115
FillColorHint = 241 243 239; Background color of toolbars (light beige)
bgtype = none
ContentMargins = 2, 0, 0, 0
EdgeShadowColor = 216 214 214
bgtype = imagefile
SizingMargins = 2, 1, 4, 2
ContentMargins = 2, 1, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarGripper.bmp
sizingType = Tile
Transparent = true
FillColorHint = 171 167 149; Gripper dot color (dark beige)
bgtype = imagefile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 2, 1
ContentMargins = 1, 2, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarGripperVert.bmp
sizingType = Tile
Transparent = true
FillColorHint = 171 167 149; Gripper dot color (dark beige)
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarButtons.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imagelayout = vertical
imageCount= 6
sizingType= Stretch
Transparent = true
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\Chevron.bmp
GlyphTransparent= true
VAlign = Top
FillColorHint = 0 0 0; Glyph color (black)
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarButtons.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imagelayout = vertical
imageCount= 6
sizingType= Stretch
Transparent = true
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\Chevron.bmp
GlyphTransparent= true
VAlign = Top
FillColorHint = 0 0 0; Glyph color (black)
;----------- toolbar--------------------------------
;Button bars and menu bars in some applicatons
BgType = Borderfill
Bordersize = 0
FillColor = 236 233 216
TextColor = 0 21 110
TextColor= 255 255 255
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarButtons.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imagelayout = vertical
imageCount = 6
sizingType = Stretch
Transparent = true
TransparentColor = 255 0 255
FillColorHint = 241 243 239; Average fill color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 206 206 195; Edge color (dark beige)
SizingMargins = 5, 2, 2, 1
ImageFile = Office2007a\Separator.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imageCount = 1
sizingType = tile
Transparent = true
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
FillColorHint = 202 198 175; Darker separator color (medium beige)
SizingMargins = 2, 1, 5, 1
ImageFile = Office2007a\SeparatorVert.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imageCount = 1
sizingType = tile
Transparent = true
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
FillColorHint = 202 198 175; Darker separator color (medium beige)
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarButtons.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imagelayout = vertical
imageCount = 6
sizingType = Stretch
Transparent = true
TransparentColor = 255 0 255
FillColorHint = 241 243 239; Average fill color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 206 206 195; Edge color (dark beige)
SizingMargins = 4, 2, 4, 4
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarButtonsSplit.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imagelayout = vertical
imageCount = 6
sizingType = Stretch
Transparent = true
TransparentColor = 255 0 255
FillColorHint = 241 243 239; Average fill color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 206 206 195; Edge color (dark beige)
SizingMargins = 2, 4, 4, 4
ImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarButtonsSplitDropdown.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imagelayout = vertical
imageCount = 6
sizingType = Stretch
Transparent = true
TransparentColor = 255 0 255
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\ToolbarButtonsSplitDropdownGlyph.bmp
GlyphTransparent= true
FillColorHint = 241 243 239; Average fill color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 206 206 195; Edge color (dark beige)
;----------- status--------------------------------
;The area at the bottom of a window containing miscellaneous status info
;The first is the container for the status sections
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 5, 5
ImageFile = Office2007a\StatusBackground.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imageCount = 1
sizingType = Stretch
FillColorHint = 236 233 216; Average fill color (beige)
;The individual status item backgrounds
SizingMargins = 0, 2, 0, 1
ImageFile = Office2007a\StatusPane.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imageCount = 1
sizingType = Stretch
TextColor = 9 32 97
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
;The individual status item backgrounds
bgtype = none
;The resize corner
ImageFile = Office2007a\ResizeGrip2.bmp
bgtype = imagefile
imageCount = 2
sizingType = trueSize
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 255 0 0
FillColorHint = 184 180 163; Resize gripper dots (dark beige)
VAlign = Bottom
;----------- list view --------------------------------
;Icon, list, details, etc.
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
;----------- Tree view --------------------------------
BgType = BorderFill
BorderSize = 1
FillColor = 255 255 255
BorderColor = 189 196 212
bgtype = imagefile
SizingType = TrueSize
imagecount = 2
;----- Multiple control sizes for different video adapter resolution settings ----
ImageSelectType = Dpi ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 50%
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;----------- header --------------------------------
;The area at the top of a list, with clickable headers for sort order
bgtype = imagefile
SizingMargins = 0, 0, 3, 3
ImageFile = Office2007a\ListviewHeaderBackground.bmp
sizingType = stretch
bgtype = imagefile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 3, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\ListViewHeader.bmp
sizingType = stretch
transparentcolor=255 0 0
FillColorHint = 250 248 243; Average fill color (light beige)
AccentColorHint = 252 194 71; Rollover hilite color (orange)
;----------- progress --------------------------------
;Progress bars
bgType = borderFill
fillType = Solid
fillColor = 46 211 49
bordersize = 1
borderColor = 235 235 228
bgtype = imagefile
ImageFile = Office2007a\ProgressTrack.bmp
sizingMargins = 4, 4, 3, 3
SizingType = tile
FillColorHint = 255 255 255; Background color (white)
BorderColorHint = 104 104 104; Edge color (dark grey)
NormalSize = 100, 18
SourceShrink = true
bgtype = imagefile
ImageFile = Office2007a\ProgressChunk.bmp
sizingMargins = 0, 0, 6, 5
SizingType = tile
FillColorHint = 46 211 49; Progress indicator color (green)
bgtype = imagefile
ImageFile = Office2007a\ProgressTrackVert.bmp
sizingMargins = 3, 3, 4, 4
SizingType = tile
FillColorHint = 255 255 255; Background color (white)
BorderColorHint = 104 104 104; Edge color (dark grey)
bgtype = imagefile
ImageFile = Office2007a\ProgressChunkVert.bmp
sizingMargins = 6, 5, 0, 0
SizingType = tile
FillColorHint = 46 211 49; Progress indicator color (green)
;----------- tab --------------------------------
bgType = borderFill
fillType = Solid
fillColor = 236 233 216
bordersize = 0
;The whole content area of a tab page
bgtype = imagefile
ImageFile = Office2007a\TabPaneEdge.bmp
sizingMargins = 2, 4, 2, 4
SizingType = stretch
imagecount = 1
FillColorHint = 251 251 253; Light tab background color (very light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 155 156; Edge color (dark grey)
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\tabItemTop.bmp
FillColorHint = 248 248 246; Tab average color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 167 180; Edge color (Office2007 grey)
AccentColorHint = 255 200 60; Rollover hilite color (orange)
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\tabItemLeft.bmp
FillColorHint = 248 248 246; Tab average color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 167 180; Edge color (Office2007 grey)
AccentColorHint = 255 200 60; Rollover hilite color (orange)
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\tabItemRight.bmp
FillColorHint = 248 248 246; Tab average color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 167 180; Edge color (Office2007 grey)
AccentColorHint = 255 200 60; Rollover hilite color (orange)
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\tabItemBoth.bmp
FillColorHint = 248 248 246; Tab average color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 167 180; Edge color (Office2007 grey)
AccentColorHint = 255 200 60; Rollover hilite color (orange)
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\tabItemTop.bmp
FillColorHint = 248 248 246; Tab average color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 167 180; Edge color (Office2007 grey)
AccentColorHint = 255 200 60; Rollover hilite color (orange)
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\tabItemTopLeft.bmp
FillColorHint = 248 248 246; Tab average color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 167 180; Edge color (Office2007 grey)
AccentColorHint = 255 200 60; Rollover hilite color (orange)
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\tabItemTop.bmp
FillColorHint = 248 248 246; Tab average color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 167 180; Edge color (Office2007 grey)
AccentColorHint = 255 200 60; Rollover hilite color (orange)
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\tabItemTopBoth.bmp
FillColorHint = 248 248 246; Tab average color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 145 167 180; Edge color (Office2007 grey)
AccentColorHint = 255 200 60; Rollover hilite color (orange)
bgtype = imagefile
stockImageFile = Office2007a\TabBackground.bmp
FillColorHint = 251 251 253; Light tab background color (very light beige)
ImageSelectType = Dpi ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 50%
;----------- trackbar --------------------------------
;Volume sliders, etc.
bgType = borderFill
fillType = Solid
fillColor = 235 235 228
bordersize = 1
borderColor = 235 235 228
;The movable part of a horizontal slider (TBS_BOTH style)
ImageFile = Office2007a\TrackbarHorizontal.bmp
imagelayout = vertical
SizingMargins = 3, 4, 3, 4
sizingtype = tile
FillColorHint = 243 243 239; Average background color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 181 196 205; Edge color (blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 71 196 70; Rollover color (green)
;The movable part of a horizontal slider (TBS_TOP style)
imagelayout = vertical
sizingtype = truesize
transparentcolor= 242 241 231
FillColorHint = 243 243 239; Average background color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 181 196 205; Edge color (blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 71 196 70; Rollover color (green)
;----- the three sizes ----
ImageSelectType = Dpi ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 50%
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;The movable part of a horizontal slider (TBS_BOTTOM style)
SizingMargins = 3, 6, 6, 10
sizingtype = truesize
transparentcolor= 242 241 231
ImageLayout = vertical
FillColorHint = 243 243 239; Average background color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 181 196 205; Edge color (blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 71 196 70; Rollover color (green)
;----- the three sizes ----
ImageSelectType = Dpi ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 50%
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;The movable part of a vertical slider (TBS_BOTH style)
ImageFile = Office2007a\TrackbarVertical.bmp
SizingMargins = 3, 4, 3, 4
sizingtype = tile
ImageLayout = vertical
FillColorHint = 243 243 239; Average background color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 181 196 205; Edge color (blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 71 196 70; Rollover color (green)
;The movable part of a vertical slider (TBS_LEFT style)
sizingtype = truesize
transparentcolor= 242 241 231
ImageLayout = vertical
FillColorHint = 243 243 239; Average background color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 181 196 205; Edge color (blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 71 196 70; Rollover color (green)
;----- the three sizes ----
ImageSelectType = Dpi ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 50%
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;The movable part of a vertical slider (TBS_RIGHT style)
ImageFile = Office2007a\TrackbarRight13.bmp
sizingtype = truesize
transparentcolor= 242 241 231
ImageLayout = vertical
FillColorHint = 243 243 239; Average background color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 181 196 205; Edge color (blue grey)
AccentColorHint = 71 196 70; Rollover color (green)
;----- the three sizes ----
ImageSelectType = Dpi ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
TrueSizeScalingType = Dpi
TrueSizeStretchMark = 50; start stretching when target exceeds source size by 50%
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;The track along which a slidermoves
ImageFile = Office2007a\sliderTrack.bmp
sizingtype = stretch
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 2, 2
FillColorHint = 242 241 233
BorderColorHint = 157 156 153
;The vertical track along which a slider moves
ImageFile = Office2007a\sliderTrack.bmp
sizingtype = stretch
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 2, 2
FillColorHint = 242 241 233; Background color (light beige)
BorderColorHint = 157 156 153; Edge color (dark grey)
;Set the color of the tickmarks drawn for the slider
color=161 161 146
;Set the color of the tickmarks drawn for the vertical slider
color=161 161 146
;-------------- Windows ------------------------
BgType = ImageFile
Transparent = true
ImageFile = Office2007a\FrameCaption.bmp
SizingMargins = 6, 6, 6, 6
ContentMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
CaptionMargins = 4, 3, 0, 0
SizingType = stretch
Imagelayout = vertical
Transparent = True
FillColorHint = 0 84 229; Average background color (strong blue)
TextShadowType = Single
ImageFile = Office2007a\FrameCaptionSizing.bmp
SizingMargins = 28, 35, 9, 17
ContentMargins = 18, 18, 26, 0
SizingType = tile
Imagelayout = vertical
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 0 0 0
ImageFile = Office2007a\SmallFrameCaption.bmp
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 2, 2
ContentMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
SizingType = tile
Imagelayout = vertical
FillColorHint = 0 84 229; Average background color (strong blue)
ImageFile = Office2007a\SmallFrameCaptionSizing.bmp
SizingMargins = 24, 37, 9, 8
ContentMargins = 14, 14, 16, 0
SizingType = tile
Imagelayout = vertical
Transparent = True
TransparentColor = 0 0 0
;The representation of a minimized window in and MDI application
ImageFile = Office2007a\FrameCaptionMin.bmp
ImageCount = 2
ImageLayout = vertical
SizingType = stretch
SizingMargins = 23, 26, 12, 8
ContentMargins = 3, 3, 0, 3
CaptionMargins = 4, 3, 0, 0
FillColorHint = 0 84 229; Average background color (strong blue)
;Shows as a strip at the top of a window when an application is maximized, rather than as a frame
;surrounding the window
ImageFile = Office2007a\FrameMaximized.bmp
SizingMargins = 28, 35, 9, 17
ContentMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
SizingType = stretch
SizingType = Tile
Imagelayout = vertical
CaptionMargins = 4, 3, 4, 2
ContentAlignment = left
FillColorHint = 0 84 229; Average background color (strong blue)
TextShadowType = Single
ImageFile = Office2007a\frameLeft.bmp
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 0, 0
SizingType = stretch
ImageLayout = vertical
ImageCount = 2
Transparent = FALSE
Borderonly = FALSE
ImageFile = Office2007a\frameRight.bmp
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 0, 0
SizingType = stretch
ImageLayout = vertical
ImageCount = 2
Transparent = FALSE
Borderonly = FALSE
ImageFile = Office2007a\frameBottom.bmp
SizingMargins = 5, 5, 2, 2
SizingType = stretch
ImageLayout = vertical
ImageCount = 2
Transparent = FALSE
Borderonly = FALSE
ImageFile = Office2007a\frameLeft.bmp
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 0, 0
SizingType = stretch
ImageLayout = vertical
ImageCount = 2
Transparent = FALSE
Borderonly = FALSE
ImageFile = Office2007a\frameRight.bmp
SizingMargins = 2, 2, 0, 0
SizingType = stretch
ImageLayout = vertical
ImageCount = 2
Transparent = FALSE
Borderonly = FALSE
ImageFile = Office2007a\frameBottom.bmp
SizingMargins = 5, 5, 2, 2
SizingType = stretch
ImageLayout = vertical
ImageCount = 2
Transparent = FALSE
Borderonly = FALSE
;Background for dialog boxes
bgType = BorderFill
FillColor = 236 233 216
BorderColor = 236 233 216
;Close button in Window titlebar
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
sizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\CaptionButton.bmp
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
ImageLayout = Vertical
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -25, 5
FillColorHint = 228 93 61; Close box average color (brick red)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
;----- glyphs ----
ImageSelectType = size ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;Maximize button in window titlebar
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
sizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\CaptionButton.bmp
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -49, 5
FillColorHint = 74 121 246; Titlebar button color (blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
;----- glyphs ----
ImageSelectType = size ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;Restore button in window titlebar
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
sizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\CaptionButton.bmp
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -49, 5
FillColorHint = 74 121 246; Titlebar button color (blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
;----- glyphs ----
ImageSelectType = size ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;Minimize button in window titlebar
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
sizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\CaptionButton.bmp
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -73, 5
FillColorHint = 74 121 246; Titlebar button color (blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
;----- glyphs ----
ImageSelectType = size ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;Help button in window titlebar--normally only appears on dialog windows
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 3, 3, 3, 3
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
sizingType = Stretch
ImageFile = Office2007a\CaptionButton.bmp
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -73, 5
MirrorImage = true ; don't remove this (must specify to be localizable)
FillColorHint = 74 121 246; Titlebar button color (blue)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
;----- glyphs ----
ImageSelectType = size ; choose src image by DPI of target DC (vs. theme DPI)
UniformSizing = true ; if you must stretch, do width & height equally
;Close button for palette windows
BgType = ImageFile
SizingMargins = 5, 5, 5, 5
ContentMargins = 0, 0, 0, 0
sizingType = Stretch
;ImageFile = Office2007a\SmallCloseButton.bmp
ImageFile = Office2007a\CaptionButton.bmp
GlyphType = ImageGlyph
GlyphImageFile = Office2007a\CloseGlyph13.bmp
GlyphTransparent = True
ImageCount = 8
ImageLayout = Vertical
OffsetType = TopRight
Offset = -16, 3
FillColorHint = 228 93 61; Close box average color (brick red)
BorderColorHint = 255 255 255; Edge color (white)
ImageFile = Office2007a\SmallFrameCaption.bmp
SizingMargins = 4, 4, 4, 4
ContentMargins = 1, 1, 1, 1
SizingType = stretch
Imagelayout = vertical
FillColorHint = 0 84 229; Average background color (strong blue)
[ExplorerBar.HeaderClose]; Not used in IE 6
BgType = ImageFile
;SizingType = TrueSize
;ImageLayout = Vertical
;ImageFile = Office2007a\ExplorerBarHeaderClose.bmp
;ImageCount = 3
;Transparent = true
;OffsetType = TopRight
;Offset = -4, 4
;FillColorHint = 138 168 229; Close box normal state (blue)
;AccentColorHint = 255 121 95; Close box rollover (brick red)
[ExplorerBar.HeaderPin]; Not used in IE 6
BgType = ImageFile
;SizingType = TrueSize
;ImageLayout = Vertical
;ImageFile = Office2007a\ExplorerBarHeaderPin.bmp
;ImageCount = 6
;Transparent = true
;OffsetType = TopRight
;Offset = -6, 4
;FillColorHint = 189 206 239; Average pin color (blue grey)